She Says She Will Try (To Lie)

Olena Yaremishyn wearing her standard revealing no bra tank top

Olena Yaremishyn spent 4 months living in The Woodlands (Houston), Texas. During this time she claimed to be trying to obtain a work permit and social security number. She was taking care of an elderly couple and child minding. The story of what actually happened in Texas is not entirely known to me (update: I added a story which details what was really going on), but I will share what I was told by her. Keeping in mind that Olena only tells the truths which serve her best and often twists this truth in different directions to suit the given situation. She gaslit me several times when I probed for more information, because what she was telling me just did not add up. She also kept changing the story every time she told it.

Olena Yaremishyn seen here eating breakfast one morning in the mountains of Spain

When Olena called me from Texas, she was crying and in anguish. She told me that the man she was staying with had drugged her and raped her. She had tried to fight back and stop him, but she was paralyzed by the drug. I urged her to go to the police, but she refused. She said she just needed to get away from him, but she could not afford to leave. I booked her a hotel at the airport, an Uber to get there, and a flight to Chicago for the following morning.

I drove to Chicago to pick Olena up and bring her back to my home. I was very clear that if she was going to come to me, she was going to have to try to make the relationship work. I was not going to be living with someone who treated me the way she had in the past. She promised she would try and do her best, but of course this didn’t happen. When we met I tried to hug her and she immediately pushed me off. In the long car ride she refused to hold hands or allow any kind of contact. She avoided me and wouldn’t even look in my direction. It was like she was there in body, but completely absent of mind. At my home she also thwarted any attempts at intimacy, or connection in any way, despite having promised to try, like every other time she promised to try and then pushed me away when the time came. I expressed to her that this was not going to work for me and that I had told her this before she came. After only a few hours, she was on her way back to Chicago, alone.

She was then living in Chicago with her friend Kate and Kate’s husband. For all of the 4-5 months living in USA, she was sleeping on couches like a homeless person. She could not even afford food, but still demanded the most expensive iPhone 14 Pro Max 1TB, $350 designer jacket, was having nails done at the salon every other week, taking no responsibility for her situation at all. Crying all the time because she has no job and no money, but just blowing all the money she gets on luxury items that she did not need.

We remained in contact and more information about what had happened in Texas came out. She had lied about being raped. She had gone to Texas to start a relationship with this man and had been sleeping with him multiple times per day for the entire 3 months. Once this truth had been pried from her, more and more began to come. This man had lured her into coming to Texas by telling her he had money, but when she got there, she found he was a destitute drug addict, living with his parents and supporting children he hadn’t told her about. He had many ex-wives as well that he was paying for. He had no real job and a very low income. I now find it humorous that the scammer got scammed.

I had at one point noticed that she saved me in her phone as Карен (Karen). When I asked why she had done this, she initially told me it was a mistake, getting upset with me for asking and mocking me for being paranoid, telling me there are no lies. Of course I later learned she had done this to conceal my identity from the other men in her life. She confessed to having dated approximately 1,400 foreign men over the ten or so years while living in Kyiv. She said she did not sleep with all of them, but given that she was completely willing and said she wanted to have sex with me after only a few hours of knowing each other, I would guess she slept with far more than 7 as she told me. Even taking into account that she had slept with at least 2 other men that she lied about during the time we knew each other, I’m guessing she slept with most of those 1,400 men in Kyiv as well. She even at one point claimed she hadn’t had sex with anyone in over 3 years. Just wild lies that don’t make sense. I would have had no problem accepting the truth about all of this from the beginning. I would not have judged her for doing any of the things she did. There was no reason for her to lie to me at all. Not ever. The only reason to lie was to get money and other things. To try to make herself appear to be this good girl who was serious about finding the man she will spend the rest of her life with. To lie and scam.

Olena Yaremishyn seen here looking out over the sea in Sitges Spain

During the time I knew her, I estimate Olena took somewhere between $11,000 and $12,000 from me. I shudder to think how much she would have taken if I had sent money every time she asked! This easily could have been much, much more! Not to mention the year and a half of my life thinking we would be together eventually. I believe she did the same thing to the man in Toronto and she admitted she used the man in Texas the same as me. She claimed he was abusive, but my guess is that she was the abusive one. She on several occasions said incredibly demeaning, heartless things to me, putting me down about my body and using my insecurities against me. She is an ice cold person who cares only about herself and does not have the ability to understand that the people she is taking from have feelings and lives the same as her. I tried very hard to reason with her and help her understand that what she is doing is wrong, but she only tried to gaslight me, turn everything around on me, and attempt to make it all my fault.

She made ridiculous attempts to manipulate me. Even trying to employ her friends and mother to tell me she isn’t a bad person, but I know she lies to them about everything, so why would I listen to this? I now know that she involved them in her scams. They knew full well what she was doing and supported her running these scams on men. Perhaps even orchestrating them for her. Often pretending to cry and scream in agony, but no tears ever came and the nose did not run. On a few occasions she had a fit where she would lose control of herself and start to get violent. Grabbing me, pushing me, hitting me, and even kicking me. I would do everything I could to calm her, but it was impossible. Keep in mind, I only spent a few days with her in the flesh and this is how she acted. I cannot begin to imagine how she would have acted with more time spent together.

Once she is caught, she will run. I now see that she ran from Zaragoza, she ran from Toronto, she ran from Houston, and she ran from me. Immediately after realizing I knew the truth about everything, she blocked me and disappeared to Canada. She will do whatever it takes to get what she wants from you and she will manipulate you. I am not a gullible person, she is just very good at what she does! I urge all who consider making her a part of their lives to beware. Pay close attention to how she acts and what she says to you. Do not let her make you question yourself.

Olena Yaremishyn looks out over the mountains in Catalunya Spain

How she got me? You probably read this and laughed at my stupidity, I sure do, but we now have the insight of knowing where the lies are. Maybe I chose not to see it, because I wanted to believe she was good. There was always the promise that we would be together. That she would try to figure things out. That she was doing everything she can to be with me. Promises that were never filled. Lies that were told over and over.

How did I finally see through all of the lies? It happened slowly, over time, but there were some big moments which made me stop and question everything I believed. The first was when she refused to allow me to come to Zaragoza in Spain. I still do not know the real story behind that. The second was when she refused to allow me to come to Canada, which is a short drive from my home, even telling me if I show up she will not see me. Also, all of what she told me about her time in Canada and in Texas made no sense and changed by the day. She started to have trouble keeping all of the lies straight. The final nail in her coffin was when she saw my drum set and asked if I ever used it. Anybody who has ever met me knowns I am a drummer. I have been for most of my life and it is, along with music and playing in punk/rock bands, the basis of my entire identity as a human. The fact that she had completely forgotten this really showed how little she actually cared or paid attention to anything I had ever told her. It is akin to forgetting that Van Gogh is a painter, or that Matt Damon is an actor. I play for a minimum of an hour every day and I constantly talk about doing so. At this point I was certain she was a fraud, without any doubt whatsoever.

As you can see from these stories, she never made an effort. We spent only a few days together and all of it was filled with her rejecting me and finding excuses for everything. Blaming me for all that she was doing. Telling whatever lies she needed to, to get herself out of taking responsibility. In the end, after I called her out on the lies and deceptions, the final thing she told me is that she never intended to be with me and that she would rather kill herself than have to try to be with me. Let that sink in for a minute. She would rather take her own life than ever have to be with me. After 18 months of promises, taken money, wasted time, promises of love, marriage, a family, the rest of our lives together, this is the truth that truly rings clearly and loudly! She never intended to be with me and I know I’m not the only person she’s done this to!

It has been more than a month since I created this site and I still feel in shock that this happened. I thought these kind of things were only possible on TV. I did not imagine them happening in real life, much less happening to me. I really feel like I have been living in a horror movie. One of those phycological thrillers where your head gets so messed up you spend some time after the movie wondering what is real. The ability of her to act so cold at the end. To even try to turn it back on me and then to invent more lies after the fact to try to make me look like an evil monster all to protect herself from embarrassment. It really is a cold, hateful, vial deception in a world where the only person that matters is Olena. It proves she never cared for me or anyone other than herself.

I leave you to ponder. Isn’t it amazing how far decent people will go when they are sure they’re right? Isn’t it also amazing how far a leech will go to suck you dry and leave you empty? But, who is truly empty and who has gone too far?

XOXO B Poster

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